Monday, February 1, 2010

Mon Feb 1, 2010: Cleans, Plyometrics

Letting left shoulder heal, so cleans will be light, and not even to the catch position (more like an explosive upright row, but not as high, again due to shoulder), and shouldn't do delts at all.

Started at 7:21 pm. All rest intervals of 1 to 1.5 minutes unless otherwise noted.
  • Warm-up: Good Mornings: 20, 20, Rotator Cuff therapy, etc.
  • Light cleans: 1st sets 90 lbs, 2nd - 110 lbs, 3rd-4th - 120 lbs, 5th - 125 lbs, 6th - 130lbs, 7th - 135, 8th - 140 lbs
  • (Cleans: (*1st set Warm-up with 100, 120 lbs 2 second set, 130 third set, 135 fourth set, 135 fifth set, 135 6th set, 135 7th set, 135 (140) 8th set) 2 min rest): 10, 8, 6, 4 (almost 5), 4, 2 (4), 3 (4), 3 =41 (2 min rest or more each, done at 8:07 pm) ->Light sets: 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5
  • (Left shoulder too sore - Standing Barbell Military Press (behind head) - 70 lbs: 10 (12), 10, 10, 7 (8)
  • (letting heal - Barbell Upright rows - 70 lbs: 10, 10, 9, 8,
  • (letting heal - Lateral raises - 10 lbs 45 sec rest): 12 (5 lbs), 12, 12, 12
  • (letting heal - Reverse Flies - 10 lbs each (45 sec rest intervals): 12 (5 lbs), 12, 12, 12
  • 7:50 pm -Sunrype Pineapple mango
  • P90X Pyometrics - attempting after cleans! 35 min + warm down - not bad performance.
  • (Ab Ripper X (Jacks: 50, (20 (Bicycle Crunches: 120, 80) -
  • (Reverse DB Wrist Curls - 10 lbs each: 20, 20, 15, 12 (hold for second at top)

Finished at 8:40 pm

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