Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sun Jan 31, 2010: Pecs, cardio, abs

All rest intervals between 1 and 1.5 minutes, unless otherwise noted. Letting shoulder heal, so going to unweighted, elbows by side to 45 degrees pushups(Dropping from 8 to 6 sets of pushups (possibly over-training).

Started at 5:50 pm.

  • Pushups, elbows by side-to-45-degrees, unweighted, taking it easy: 25, 25, 25, (Kelly on back, not full weight) 8, 8, 8, (unweighted again) 20
  • (Pushups (warm-up set of 20) - Kelly on back: (14), (12), 12, 10, 10, 6.5 (no help), 7 (no help), 6(+20) (no help, then no weight)
  • Incline pushups (3rd week) - 35, 25, 25, 25,
  • Reverse DB Wrist Curls - 10 lbs each: 25, 20, 15, 12 (hold for second at top)
  • 6:20 pm
  • Ab-Ripper X - 18 or more reps of each exercise (Jacks: 50
  • Lower back hyperextensions: 20, 20

Finished at 6:55 pm

  • Stationary Bike: 4 Miles in 20 minutes
  • Stretch

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